American Legion Auxiliary Page

Meeting is first Saturday of the month at 10 am except July and August.

Bunco, 3rd Saturday of month at 6 at the Post

Standing annual events are as follows:

Poppies over Labor Day weekend and we do Friday-Sunday from 10-6 in front of Forest Grove Safeway

Memorial service in May with the American Legion at the Forest View Cemetery


Girls state and convention

July is 4th of July parade on our American Legion Float in Hillsboro

Family fun day at the Post

September is Forest Grove Corn roast, dates to be determined.

October is Halloween with Joint AL and ALA Table on Downtown Merchants Trick or Treat day

November is stand down, Location and Day to be determined

Veterans Day ceremony in November with Joint American Legion-Elks Veterans dinner at Elks Lodge in Forest Grove, and Handing out rocks at the VA Hospital, dates to be determined.

December will be a kids Christmas party instead of calling it an open house, Date to be determined.

Christmas family gift delivery

The Forest Grove Light Parade with the American Legion Float December light parade in December.

Meanwhile visit for more information on programs the Auxiliary sponsors, such as Girls State.

See membership forms at end of page

Dues $45 for senior members, $10 for junior members under 18. Your membership COUNTS!